Monday, September 14, 2009


During this past weekend my husband and men from church went to their Annual Men’s camp in New Hampshire, and I was doing some “spring cleaning” in the storage closet that we have at home.

While I was cleaning, there were a couple of empty suitcases and bags that reminded me of the emotional baggage that kept holding me back from the purposes for my life that I finally let them go during our (the women from church and I) weekend at the Annual Women’s camp, (same place the men went to in New Hampshire) and now I can really say that I’m free. Glory to God!

I want to share this experience I had when I went to this year’s camp which was titled “Breaking the wall of silence, from ashes to Glory”. I have been hurt so many times in my life that I thought the scars from my hurts would never heal. I thought that during camp I would do what I always do which is pray to God, give him my emotional baggage, and at the end of my prayer, I would take it right back (I know I’m not the only one that has done that).

During that whole weekend, God broke me. The Holy Spirit went so deeply into my soul that he went into that “storage closet” and looked in that baggage and emptied out what I did not want anybody to touch, not even God. I knew that it would hurt too much and I was comfortable just the way I was holding on to the baggage that was too difficult to let go. There were times that I really wanted to let it go, but the fear and embarrassment that people would see me broken, I didn’t let it go.

This time was different. I was determined to let it go, no matter what it took. I finally let go of the baggage! I went through a process of cleansing that I cried my heart out for God to help me. I prayed for God to free me from this emotional baggage (feelings of hurt, anguish, anger, fear, insecurity, etc.). I did not want to relive my past anymore. I did not want to be the victim anymore, I wanted to overcome my past and be the victor (Romans 8:37)! I thank God for his mercy and grace that HE was able to do that for me through my Faith in HIM.

God heard my sincere cry and helped me through the whole weekend. Especially when one of the exercises where we had to write down things that were building up walls and not letting us fulfill the purpose for our lives (feelings of hurt, anguish, anger, fear, insecurity, etc.), even writing them down it hurt, but thank God that I went through it. After that we had to hold our papers and walk outside where there was a fire pit waiting for us to throw our papers into the pit and create ashes as symbols of "letting go" for God’s glory. It was not a long walk to get there, but when I saw it like it was miles away. I made it there and when I finally burned that paper, I felt such a relief that after doing that, all I could say that I was finally, really free.

I pray that this experience will encourage you to let go of your baggage. Believe me it will
hurt in the beginning because it is a new experience for you and fear will take over (fear of the unknown), but take hold, God is always with you (Matthew 28:20) in the process and when you do, you will be a better person that can move forward and fulfill the purposes for your life.

Remember “...old things have passed away (our past)…all things have become new (our future)” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Bible Scripture Reference
Matthew 28:20, Romans 8:37, 2 Corinthians 5:17

Dictionary Reference
The words “let go” in the dictionary means, to stop holding something; release from one’s grip.

Lord Jesus, thank you for helping me let go of the baggage that has been holding me back from the purposes for my life. I ask you to help me through the healing process and provide me the strength to continue on this journey. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

God Bless You Always, Maria Guzman

Question to ask yourselves: Are you going to let go of the baggage for good?

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Daughters of a King Ministry is a blog for Christian Women. Focusing on sharing life's experiences and edify others through the Word of God, strengthening our Faith and help us have a closer relationship with Jesus, our King.