Monday, September 21, 2009


Have you ever had a day, week, month, year, etc. that it was crazy busy for you, the stress level was high, and all you really wanted to do was scream “AHHHHH, that’s it no more!”? Does anybody else agree with this statement?

Then you might be under some kind of stress in your life. For example: You wake up in the morning, you hear the alarm buzzing, turn it off (or put in on snooze), go back to bed, cover your head and stress out thinking of what you have to do that day. We cause our own stresses in our lives having this kind of mentality.

We have to have a positive mentality. We have to wake up in the morning, Thank God every morning for waking you up and providing you a NEW day of mercy and grace (Lamentations 3:22-23). Thank God that HE has control over all things that you have to do every day. (Ephesians 1:11)

Sometimes we try to please everyone around us and take on more than we can handle. This only heightens our stress levels and makes us feel like we are drowning. The Bible says may your yes be yes, may your no be no (Matthew 5:37).

Here are some internal and external factors regarding stress:

• Internal Factors:

o Includes your body’s ability to deal with the stress (everybody can handle stress differently), the external stress factors, stress also influences your overall health (fitness health, emotional health, and sleep)

• External Factors:

o Includes job, children, relationships with others, your home, all the situations, challenges, difficulties, and expectations you’re confronted on a daily basis, etc.

Ways to De-Stress:

PRAY. Praying anytime will definitely ease the stress levels. Praying to God and asking for HIS help through the day will provide us peace in the midst of the storm(s) (stresses) in our lives. (Mark 4:37-39)

FOCUS/PREPARE. Focus and preparation for the day, week, etc. will definitely ease the stress levels. For example: You work all week. Prepare what you are going to wear for the whole week instead of trying to figure out on the day to day basis what you are going to wear.


PRIORITIZE/ORGANIZE. Prioritizing and organizing will definitely ease the stress levels. For example: I have a “Things to do” task list daily and update my calendar daily. If I do not get one of my tasks done on a specific day, I add it on to the next day’s “Things to do” task list to complete it. I’m not going to worry about tomorrow tasks today. (Matthew 6:34)


BALANCE. We definitely need balance in our lives. The Bible says that there is time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). We need time to spend with God, spouse (if applicable), child or children (If applicable), grandchild or grandchildren (if applicable), family, friends, etc. ALSO, you need to spend time for yourself. I call it my “me time”. Nobody bothers me during my “me time”. Thank God! I can do anything that I want to do. For example: Walk along the beach and “chilax” (chill/relax), Watch a good movie, read a good book, or go get my nails done.


SET REALISTIC GOALS. We definitely need to set realistic goals. For example: A non-realistic goal: To be a “Wonder Woman”. A realistic goal: To be a “Wonderful Woman”.


RECUPERATE/REST. We definitely need to recuperate and rest and unwind our bodies before going to sleep. For example: Taking a bubble bath.

Bible Scripture Reference

Lamentations 3:22-23, Ecclesiastes 3, Matthew 5:37, Matthew 6:34, Matthew 11:28-30, Mark 4:37-39, Ephesians 1:11, 1 Corinthians 10:13,

Dictionary Reference

The word “Stress” in the dictionary means any emotional, physical, social, economic, or other factor that requires a response or change.

God Bless You Always, Maria Guzman

Question to ask yourselves: Are you going to “DE-STRESS YOUR LIFE!”?


  1. Estan cierto... La Paciencia es un fruto que muchas de nosotras debemos pedirle a Dios. Really nice Mary!!

    God Bless.

  2. Thank you my dear sister for being a reminder and help to us!! Busy is the biggest distracter of this day and time. It sways our attention from whom we should be relying on and turns it to relying on our own strength, until we crash under the weight of that heavy yoke of self.
    Jesus' yoke is easy and it is light.



Ministerio Hijas de un Rey es un blog para Mujeres Cristianas. Enfocando en compartiendo las experiencias de la vida para edificar a otras a traves de la Palabra de Dios, fortaleciendo nuestra Fe y ayudarnos a tener una relación más cercana con Jesús, Nuestro Rey.


Daughters of a King Ministry is a blog for Christian Women. Focusing on sharing life's experiences and edify others through the Word of God, strengthening our Faith and help us have a closer relationship with Jesus, our King.