Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trust by surrendering your vulnerabilities!

It is truly a pleasure and an honor to have the opportunity to write for a blog such as this one; one which impacts the lives of many and helps them through situations that they may be dealing with in the present time. I know there have been times where I have been battling with little things here and there and through the blog I have been able to obtain certain tools that are helpful in the situation and put my part to better the situation, I do what is possible for me and God takes over and does what is impossible.

Though the topic of trust hasn’t been a topic that I call myself an expert in, trusting in God has been something I have been learning to do lately. To find a point of direction I looked up the definition in “Webster’s online dictionary” and found a definition that alone impacted me completely. Trust is where you expose your vulnerabilities, whether it is to another individual or to God.

I need to make myself vulnerable to God in order to experience the meaning of trust. It means that I need to take time and really expose myself. I need to search within and let God into every area of my life. I need to be truly transparent before the Lord in order to trust him. I need to take the first step. I truly need to build a relationship with God, I need to talk with him, I need him to get to know me and I need to get to know him {through prayer and reading the word}.

Trust isn’t something that is gained automatically, trust is given with time because you see the person is faithful and worthy of being trusted. It’s like when we have a friend, we test them by telling them a secret and telling them they can’t tell anyone. If you don’t hear “the secret” from anyone else then it is here where trust begins to flourish between the two of you. John 15:15 tells me: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

Jesus was able to walk with the disciples and build this relationship with them, they were considered his friends, and the more we look for him and the more we spend time with him, we also transition from seeking him to being his friend where he begins to reveal things to us that were unknown before.

“Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.” {Psalms 9:10} We can’t trust with limits, we have to trust completely. We have to understand that many times the will of God isn’t what we want to see, and many times we confuse that with what is going on and quickly begin to doubt God and many times we even accuse him of breaking our hearts. God has been the only one who has never broken my heart. I have to acknowledge where there have been times that I wanted to do my own will and not wait for the Lord’s and therefore I have cried a few tears that I have caused myself. But these have been lessons that I have had to learn to make me the woman I am today. The verse tells me that he will never forsake me, he will never leave me alone, that even though I have made some decisions that he doesn’t agree with and that I haven’ allowed the holy spirit to guide me, he is with me, he has never left my side, he has never given up on me, he has never forgotten about me, he has put a hope in me that no one else can.

Humanity was created with the capability of failing and breaking people’s hearts and of not keeping their word, etc. but God is perfect and he can’t do this to us. Trusting God and His will means that we will be confronted with situations where we ask God “Why?” and where we just don’t see the benefit of what we are going through. And that is true because we are so caught up in the problem that many times it blurs your vision to the point that you can’t see past what’s going on, and I have heard so many times that what we can’t understand now we will understand in the future. And many times our reaction is “what good will that do?” I need to know now. But it isn’t about what we want or what we feel we need, it’s trusting God to know that what he does is for our own good. He is our father and if he needs to correct us he will and if he needs to teach us something he will, what good father doesn’t provide their children with tough love.

In those times we must remind ourselves what it says in Psalms 13:5: But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. God’s love never fails and is unconditional, he loves us through the good and the bad and even when we turn our backs on him, why can’t we do the same? love him and trust his love for us enough to know that what I am going through is for my own good.

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. {Isaiah 55:11} If God has promised you something then you will receive it. We must trust in him and his word enough to know so. Like a speaker once said in our church, God speaks a word over your life, and as you go about life that word chases after you until the moment where it catches up and makes itself real in your life. The problem is we want things immediately, God said today and it will be done tomorrow. I beg to differ; good things take time to create. Before getting to where you are going there are a few things that need to be worked on, a few things that need to be taken out, and a few things that need improvement, until then I will trust in God’s word and know that this is where God wants me to get and I just need to walk by faith knowing that is where I am going.

The Christian lifestyle requires trust, because in essence that is what the relationship between you and God is built upon, if there is not trust then where are you going? Have you asked yourself that question? If I haven’t made the decision to trust God fully yet then I need to make a conscious decision to do so; but how? Acknowledge that it takes time to build but before you know it you will be on the road to a great relationship with the creator that can’t be replaced by any other.

 Start by talking with God. Take time out to speak with him daily. Get up 20 minutes earlier before work, or go to bed 20 minutes later, or take time during your lunch break and go to your car or an area where it’s just you and God and start talking to him. Start making yourself vulnerable, telling him the areas you need help in and being completely transparent with him.

 Also, take some time to read his word, get to know him, what he says his plans are for us, what he desires from us, and let the word be a guide.

 Take some time to be still, quiet, and just listen to him speak to your heart. It is here where you begin the relationship with God and where the trust will begin to grow.

 Look beyond your desires and trust the will of God. If you don’t like the outcome of what you are praying for because it wasn’t what you asked for, it is here where you make the conscious decision to know that God is in control and that his will is perfect and that you have to trust him enough to know he is doing things the way they need to be done.

 Whenever you are confronted with the urge to take control of everything again and do it your way and yourself, remind yourself that it didn’t work before and that you trust the creator of everything that exists. Who knows how something works better than he who created it? No one.

 Be sure to surround yourself with positive people, if you have people who continue to point out the negative please distance yourself and be wise about it, avoid the topic with them or walk away when the negative opinions start to come your way. You can’t let anything place doubt where you have made the choice to trust.

 Surrender it all before the Lord and know that he is God. Find scriptures of encouragement and of reassurance, scriptures that reveal the character of God and that reassure that he is someone that can be trusted with no limits.

Trust is a difficult thing to have now a days because society teaches us that no one can be trusted, only yourself. But I tell you that it is better to trust God than to trust yourself. We are imperfect in that we have the capability to fail, fall, and let ourselves down, but even when we have given up on ourselves God knows that we can give more, that is what trust is all about, knowing that if you fall there will always be a set of hands to catch you on your way down and lift you back up, that is who God is, when there are only one set of footprints on the sand it is because he is carrying you through until you regain the strength to walk again.

Prayer: God I give myself away to you. I surrender me before your throne and I relinquish all control to my life to be able to trust your perfect will. I know that you will never let me down and that you will never break my heart intentionally. As I take this journey daily allow me to trust you more as you also begin to trust me with your plans and purposes for my life. Thank you for your strength every day and for the ability to rely on you always. In your name we pray, AMEN.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23
Lourdes Hernandez

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Ministerio Hijas de un Rey es un blog para Mujeres Cristianas. Enfocando en compartiendo las experiencias de la vida para edificar a otras a traves de la Palabra de Dios, fortaleciendo nuestra Fe y ayudarnos a tener una relación más cercana con Jesús, Nuestro Rey.


Daughters of a King Ministry is a blog for Christian Women. Focusing on sharing life's experiences and edify others through the Word of God, strengthening our Faith and help us have a closer relationship with Jesus, our King.