Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Friends: Treat them Fairly!

Friendship. It's a wonderful thing. Whether you have one friend or twenty it's awesome. You always have someone to talk to and open up to. And when you’re feeling down, you always have a friend to try to help bring you back up. But when you have a friend do this for you, it's always good to do something for them in return.

I'm not talking about giving them expensive gifts or treating them all the time to ice cream or anything like that. No, I'm talking about treating them fairly. Do to your friends what you would want your friends to do to you. You can't just keep expecting your friends to do nice stuff for you when you don't do the same for them. Imagine being the nicest you can be to your friend, but then all you get in return is the feeling of being used, and lack of appreciation. Wouldn't you get tired of it? Eventually you would want to stop being friends, right?

Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all times.” Not appreciating your friend doesn’t really show your love for them. It's not even a friendship. It's just basically someone getting spoiled by a great person, when they don't deserve it. Love your friends and treat them fairly or else you'll lose them. Losing a friend is terrible, it can hurt really badly. Having a loving friendship is awesome, because you'll know you'll always have someone to have your back.

Look out for the sequel! ;-D

God Bless,

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Daughters of a King Ministry is a blog for Christian Women. Focusing on sharing life's experiences and edify others through the Word of God, strengthening our Faith and help us have a closer relationship with Jesus, our King.