Friday, January 14, 2011

A Mother with Authority - Part 2

I have been thinking lately about spiritual warfare, especially when it’s comes to our children. There were so many times when I didn’t win the war or the battles, because I didn’t know how to fight, how to fight the good fight, (not all fights are bad) especially when it’s for the soul of our children that’s a fight worth fighting for.

Anyway when we don’t know how to use the weapons that were given to us by the Lord or use the Authority that was bestowed upon us by Christ, we end up losing the war and the battles.

As I said, I was thinking about this because I have noticed lots of parents with a high level of anxiety, desperation and with a look on their faces that says (I have no peace).

As a mother of four beautiful children and now a grandparent to twelve, I can say that with all honesty that I am a Woman with Authority, not because everything is running the way I would like for them to be, but because I’ve learn to rest in the Lord. To Trust in Him. To understand that without Him I can’t do anything. That if God is with Me who can be against me and my family my (children).

One of the ways that we know we have Authority, is when we have Peace when we can Rest, when we can stand Firm in our Trust in God.

Philippians 4:6 says “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

This is where I have lost many battles in the past, I would pray, I would cry out to the Lord, I would let my request be known to God, but I didn’t Trust that HE was in control of all things, so after prayer- after talking with God I would take all of my problems, all of my requests back with me and guess what would happen...

I would start to worry, get anxiety, my mind would start to wonder and dwell on all forms of ways that the enemy was destroying my children, my family and if that were not enough, here would come the tears, depression, and a sense of defeat.

So, I started to notice that I didn’t have the Authority I was claiming to have, because if I had the Authority, I wouldn’t feel so defeated, and full of anxiety.

And this is when I started to learn one of the lessons of a Mother with Authority, which is (Peace) (Rest) (Trust).

Now, I find myself in a different place one that I enjoy and one that I am pleased to have learned, the Peace that surpasses all understanding.

Now, I pray, and let my requests be known to God, but the difference is that I leave it with God, I stand firm on his promises, and I enter into his peace where everything is good. It is where I see the things that are not as though they were.

So when the enemy of my soul and the soul of my family comes roaring like a lion to steal my peace by telling me lies, I just tell him he’s like a lion but I have the Lion of Judah on my side who is in control of all things and he keeps me in perfect peace, not as the world views peace but as God views peace.

He is the God that who spoke peace to the Storm.

If you are a mother or a father reading this blog, and you want to have Authority with Christ, Authority over the enemy then I suggest that after you have done all you know to do Rest, Worship, Stand firm on the promises of God and lastly Receive the Peace that surpasses all understanding, this is one of the strongest weapon you can possess, it’s one of the weapons that will give you the victory in your life, in your home, and most of all over the enemy of your soul.

Till next time- A mother with Authority

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Evelyn for providing us a part 2 of "A Mother with Authority". May God continue to bless you and your family in a very special way! Love ya sis, Mari



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Daughters of a King Ministry is a blog for Christian Women. Focusing on sharing life's experiences and edify others through the Word of God, strengthening our Faith and help us have a closer relationship with Jesus, our King.