Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Mother with Authority

I was asked to write on this topic as a mother of four children and a Minister of God about authority with the children.

As I meditated on it, I could truly tell you that it is easier to write about it than to have lived it. The reason I say this is because many things come into play when it comes to our children. I, as a mother, have found myself in lots of conflict between what God say in his word; not because I don’t believe it or want to live it, only because I have had to apply it in my home with my children. There have been many times when they have wanted to do things, or bring things in the home that are offensive to God. I know this because I read and study the word of God and after a while you begin to know HIS heart.

The conflict came when I had to apply and take a position of authority over what they have wanted to do. So you probably are asking what the conflict is. If God said it let it be done. Yeah!!!

Well, the conflict comes from our heart and emotions, because the desire of a mother’s heart is to make her children happy, content, and you want them to be at peace with you. You don’t like it when they become angry, or when they start to cry, you start to feel their pain, and if you’re not careful this is where we lose the battle if we’re not strong. "believe me at the beginning of my walk with God, I lost a few or maybe more than a few battles” Like I said it is easier to say “You need to be a Mother of Authority” then to have to walk and act on your authority as a Mother and Woman of God.

I think this is why the first commandment God gave us says “you shall not have no other Gods before me” (Exodus 20:3) and also the scripture says that we are to love HIM with all of our mind, heart and strength.

When HE is first in our life, and occupies our minds and hearts we will be able to stand in authority.

We can’t let our children become gods in our life, we are to love them, cherish them, correct them, direct them, encourage them, cheer for them, cry with them, feed them, provide for them etc., etc., etc., but we are not to bow down before them.

So when something is not in line with the word of God, the will of God, and the order of God, it is our responsibility to take authority in the Name of Jesus. The word says that every knee shall bow down before Him and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.

So I encourage every mother who reads this blog “Take your place of Authority” for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.

If you truly love your children, don’t let the enemy intimidate you, or deceive your hearts, stand for what is true, don’t let your hearts and emotions have the final say, let the word of God, the Spirit of God have the final say. If you don’t know how to do this, Pray for God to give you a Way.

God says in his word that “he disciplines his children because he loves them” in other words, HE corrects, (I’m not saying you should abuse, beat or destroy their spirit with mean words) HE takes his place as a Father and does what is right for us even if we kick and scream and don’t like it.

At the moment your children may not want to accept your authority over them, but when they get older believe me they will be thankful for the many times you stepped in.

There were many times when I would tell my daughter she couldn’t do something and at the moment she would become angry and think I was ruining her life, but then a day or two later she would say “Thank you Mom!”. Even now at 33, she says thanks for the many times I stood in the Authority of God.

Someday your children will say thanks to you also (Moms)! Don’t give up as long as Jesus is Lord, there is hope that things could get better.

Till next time - A Mother with Authority

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Evelyn for being our guest writer and providing us this blog on being a Mother of Authority!



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Daughters of a King Ministry is a blog for Christian Women. Focusing on sharing life's experiences and edify others through the Word of God, strengthening our Faith and help us have a closer relationship with Jesus, our King.